Zen and Western Philosophy
Philosophers' Ideas in Haiku
Stan Baronett
A Note from the Author...
Zen and Western Philosophy takes a novel approach to philosophy. The goal was to try capturing the body of thought called “Western philosophy” with an Eastern net—Zen as embodied in haiku. The book offers profiles of 139 Western philosophers by using a traditional three-line haiku format of 5-7-5 syllables in order to capture each philosopher’s ideas in a manner that is both concise and playful.
When I started writing it, I accepted that it is nearly impossible to capture any interesting philosopher's ideas in a mere 17 syllables; nevertheless, I accepted the challenge. The result is simply an exercise by someone schooled in Western philosophy to see things from a different perspective.
Simply put, the book’s purpose, design, and structure is
A parallax view
of Western philosophy
through an Eastern lens.
Stan Baronett
April 20, 2023
Unique approach to learning Western Philosophy.
Readers are inspired to create their own Haikus.
Reasonably priced.
List of Philosophers
Thales Pythagoras Heraclitus Zeno of Elea Socrates Democritus Plato Aristotle Epicurus Euclid Archimedes Chrysippus of Soli Epictetus Marcus Aurelius Augustine of Hippo Anselm of Canterbury Thomas Aquinas William of Ockham Jean Buridan Niccolò Machiavelli Copernicus Michel de Montaigne Giordano Bruno Francis Bacon Galileo Galilei Thomas Hobbes René Descartes Pierre de Fermat Blaise Pascal Margaret Cavendish Anne Conway John Locke Baruch Spinoza Nicolas Malebranche Isaac Newton Gottfried Leibniz Damaris Masham Mary Astell George Berkeley Voltaire Thomas Bayes Leonhard Euler David Hume Jean-Jacques Rousseau Adam Smith Paul-Henri d’Holbach Immanuel Kant Catharine Macaulay Cesare Beccaria William Paley Jeremy Bentham Pierre-Simon Laplace Johann Goethe Mary Wollstonecraft Thomas Malthus Georg Hegel Mary Shepherd Bernard Bolzano Arthur Schopenhauer William Whewell John Stuart Mill Augustus De Morgan Charles Darwin Søren Kierkegaard George Boole Augusta Ada Byron Henry David Thoreau Karl Marx Thomas H. Huxley Lewis Carroll John Venn Ernst Mach Charles Sanders Peirce William James Friedrich Nietzsche Christine Ladd-Franklin Gottlob Frege Hans Vaihinger Thorstein Veblen Edmund Husserl Henri Bergson John Dewey Alfred N. Whitehead Pierre Duhem George Santayana J. M. E. McTaggart Bertrand Russell G. E. Moore Albert Einstein Moritz Schlick Otto Neurath Ludwig Wittgenstein Martin Heidegger Rudolf Carnap Hans Reichenbach Susanne Langer Herbert Marcuse Gilbert Ryle Alfred Tarski Karl Popper Frank Ramsey Alonzo Church Carl Hempel Jean-Paul Sartre Kurt Gödel Nelson Goodman Hannah Arendt Simone de Beauvoir Willard van Orman Quine Gerhard Gentzen A. J. Ayer J. L. Austin Wilfrid Sellars Alan Turing Albert Camus Kurt Baier Donald Davidson Raymond Smullyan P. F. Strawson Philippa Foot John Rawls Thomas Kuhn Paul Feyerabend Hilary Putnam Michel Foucault Edmund Gettier Noam Chomsky Judith Jarvis Thomson Jacques Derrida Richard Rorty John Searle Ian Hacking Thomas Nagel Robert Nozick Saul Kripke Daniel Dennett Patricia Churchland Peter Singer
About the Author
Stan Baronett is the author of The Hemlock Dialogues (2023), Alinea Learning; Gambling with Philosophy (2023), Alinea Learning; Classic Readings in Philosophy (2023), Alinea Learning; Logic, 5th Edition (2021), Oxford University Press; and Why Did the Logician Cross the Road? (2021), Bloomsbury.

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